• Family Notes
Trailblazer Times I April 12th


Family Notes

(important dates)

ELA STAAR: April 17

Spanish FT: April 18


Hello Trailblazer Families!  

We want to encourage you to join our Family Association.  Our next meetings are listed below. We hope you can join us!     


Friday, 3 at 9:30 am – 10:30 am 


Attendance Competition: 

The last quarter of the 23-24 SY is in full swing, and the end of the year is jam-packed with activities!  To incentivize student attendance, North Central Secondary will conduct an end-of-year student attendance contest! 

Each week, we will raffle a smart TV for perfect attendance. To enter the weekly raffle for a smart TV, students must be present Monday-Friday of the previous week. Students who earn an entry in the weekly raffle will also earn an entry towards the Grand Prize Raffle of a Nintendo Switch. 

Two grand prize winners will be selected to win a Nintendo Switch (1 for MS and 1 for HS). The Grand Prize Raffle will take place on Thursday, May 30th. 

*Please note, students must be present to claim prizes. If a student is not present at the time of the raffle, we will redraw to select another winner. 


Uniform Policy Update: 

We have begun to strictly enforce our uniform policy this week until the end of the year.  

Students not in the uniform outlined below must trade in their phone in exchange for a uniform article of clothing.  If the student refuses to change or the uniform infraction cannot be fixed, parents will be called and will be required to bring their student the appropriate school uniform.  

If your student cannot meet the uniform policy due to extenuating circumstances, please contact the front office for support.


Shirt Expectations  

All Days  

Students may wear:  

  • North Central YES Prep Polo shirts 

  • School Spirit T-Shirts with a YES Prep or North Central logo 

  • Any color undershirt underneath their polo or t-shirt 

Bottoms Expectations  

All Days 

Students may choose between pants, skirts, or shorts of the following:    

  • Khakis (any color)   

  • Jeans (any color)   

  • Joggers (any color) 

Students may not wear: 

  • Leggings, jeggings, or pajama pants 

  • Pants with holes above the knee without leggings underneath 

  • No skin should be visible above the knees under the holes. 

  • Shorts and skirts more than fingertip length above the knee.    

  • Bottoms below the waist

Outerwear Expectations  

All Days 

Students may only wear YES Prep branded outerwear or solid colored outerwear (defined below). Students may choose from the following:   

  • YES Prep branded outerwear   

  • Solid Black outerwear – no print or words. Logos must be smaller than 3 inches 

  • Solid Navy Blue outerwear– no print or words. Logos must be smaller than 3 inches 

  • Solid White outerwear – no print or words. Logos must be smaller than 3 inches 

  • Solid Orange outerwear – no print or words. Logos must be smaller than 3 inches 

  • Solid Gray outerwear – no print or words. Logos must be smaller than 3 inches 

  • Campus athletics department outerwear   

  • Campus-issued grade level or spirit sweatshirts etc.    

  • If students are wearing an outerlayer the expectation is to have a YES Prep shirt underneath or to keep the outerlayer on all day. 

Shoe Expectations  

All Days 

For safety purposes, all shoes must meet the following criteria:  

  • Closed-toed  

  • Must have backs (i.e. no slides, no croc sandals)  

  • Must have hard soles (i.e. no slippers or crocs)  

  • Any color shoe is permitted. 

Student ID Badge Expectations  


ID Badges must be worn by all students on lanyards around the neck and must be visible at all times.   

PE Uniform Expectations  


Students may wear their own athletic wear for PE classes. YES Prep will not offer PE uniforms to be purchased through YES Prep. Clothing for PE class must…  

  • Have school appropriate messaging  

  • Meet criteria in the “Free Dress Days” category 

  • No crop-tops, no spaghetti straps, no crocs, no leggings 

  • See more details below under “Free Dress Days” 

  • Bottoms may not be higher than fingertip length above the knee  

Students must change out of their PE clothing before leaving the gym. 

Accessory Expectations  

Monday – Friday   

Students may:  

  • Have a variety hairstyles and colors. Head shaving designs are permitted if images are school-appropriate.   

  • Have visible piercings and tattoos if messaging and images are school-appropriate.   

  • Wear religious head-coverings.  

  • Not wear accessory items that are spiked (bracelets, belts, collars) due to safety reasons.    

  • Not wear hats, hoods, and sunglasses for safety purposes  

Free Dress Expectations  

Monday – Friday (when Free Dress days are earned or allocated) 

On free dress days, clothing should meet the following criteria:   

  • All clothing and accessories must be school appropriate: YES Prep prohibits pictures, emblems, or writings on T-shirts that are lewd, offensive, vulgar or obscene or that advertise or depict tobacco products, alcoholic beverages (including jerseys with labeled sponsors), drugs, or any other substance, show gang affiliation, or depict violence in any way.   

  • No tank tops, halter tops, tube tops, net or sheer tops, shirts with spaghetti straps, or strapless tops for any student.   

  • No bare midriffs (half shirts) allowed for any student.   

  • All pants, shorts, skirts, footwear, and accessories must meet the criteria established in the Monday through Friday uniform. 


🎓 Save the Date! 🎉

Senior Signing Day, the BEST DAY OF THE YEAR, will be held on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. We are excited to learn where our seniors are headed as they continue the next part of their next journey!

Class of 2024, we'll see you on the big stage!


At YES Prep, Senior Signing Day has been an annual tradition where our seniors declare what is next in their journey by sharing what college, university, armed forces branch, or post-secondary opportunity they will pursue after they graduate. Seniors have watched this tradition every year and have earned their moment in the spotlight! 

  • Update: Seniors will get two tickets per student for Senior Signing Day. Children who can sit on someone’s lap do not require a ticket.



  • Staar Tutorials: All STAAR after school English tutorials are now over as we approach the STAAR exam. Reach out directly to your student’s English teacher if you have any questions.  

  • Athletic Awards & Reception Date Change: Friday, May 10th, 2024 (date changed from April 19th).  

  • ASPIRE: The final day for ASPIRE clubs is Thursday, May 9th. 


Traffic Patters:

We kindly ask that adhere to the traffic patterns posted below. We ask to maintain a safe and secure dismissal and arrival for your students.


Upcoming Calendar

April 15 

April 16 

April 17 

April 18 

April 19 

April 20 




  • Spanish Fieldtrip 

Welcome to YES  



April 22 

April 23 

April 24 

April 25 

April 26 

April 27 



  • SS 8 & USH STAAR 

  • Science 8 & Biology STAAR 





Thank you for your continued support.

Live the Blue Orange!

Lilian Macias


YES Prep North Central


Notas Familiares

¡Hola familias Trailblazer!  

Queremos animarte a que te unas a nuestra Asociación de Familias.  Nuestras próximas reuniones se enumeran a continuación. ¡Esperamos que puedas unirte a nosotros!


Concurso de Asistencia: 

El último trimestre del año escolar 23-24 está en pleno apogeo, ¡y el fin de año está repleto de actividades!  Para incentivar la asistencia de los estudiantes, North Central Secondary llevará a cabo un concurso de asistencia de estudiantes de fin de año. 

Cada semana, sortearemos un televisor inteligente para una asistencia perfecta. Para participar en el sorteo semanal de un televisor inteligente, los estudiantes deben estar presentes de lunes a viernes de la semana anterior. Los estudiantes que ganen una entrada en la rifa semanal también ganarán una entrada para la rifa del gran premio de una Nintendo Switch. 

Se seleccionarán dos ganadores del gran premio para ganar una Nintendo Switch (1 para MS y 1 para HS). La Rifa del Gran Premio se llevará a cabo el jueves 30 de mayo.

 * Tenga en cuenta que los estudiantes deben estar presentes para reclamar los premios. Si un estudiante no está presente en el momento de la rifa, volveremos a sortear para seleccionar otro ganador. 

Política de uniforme de la escuela   

Hemos comenzado a hacer cumplir estrictamente nuestra política de uniformes esta semana hasta fin de año.   

Los estudiantes que no usen el uniforme que se describe a continuación deben cambiar su teléfono por una prenda de vestir del uniforme. Si el estudiante se niega a cambiarse o la infracción del uniforme no se puede corregir, se llamará a los padres y se les pedirá que le traigan al estudiante el uniforme escolar apropiado.  

Si su estudiante no puede cumplir con la política de uniforme debido a circunstancias atenuantes, comuníquese con la oficina principal para obtener ayuda. 


🎓 ¡Reserva la fecha! 🎉

El Senior Signing Day, el MEJOR DÍA DEL AÑO, se llevará a cabo el martes 21 de mayo de 2024. ¡Estamos emocionados de saber hacia dónde se dirigen nuestros adultos mayores a medida que continúan la siguiente parte de su próximo viaje!

Clase de 2024, ¡nos vemos en el gran escenario!


Actualización: Los seniors tendrán dos entradas por estudiante para el Senior Signing Day. Los niños que puedan sentarse en el regazo de alguien no necesitan entrada. 


Actualizaciones para el baile de graduación: 

Las entradas para invitados se venderán del 1 al 12 de abril.  

Los estudiantes necesitarán una hoja de permiso para asistir 

La fecha límite para pagar la tarifa de los seniors ha pasado. 

Fecha: Viernes 26 de Abril de 2024 

Hora: 7:00PM - 11:00PM 

Tema: Bosque Encantado 


Fecha de Graduacion! :



Tutorías de STAAR: Todas las tutorías de inglés de STAAR después de la escuela han terminado a medida que nos acercamos al examen STAAR. Comunícate directamente con el profesor de inglés de tu estudiante si tienes alguna pregunta.  

Cambio de fecha de recepción y premios deportivos: viernes 10 de mayo de 2024 (fecha cambiada del 19 de abril).  

ASPIRE: El último día para los clubes ASPIRE es el jueves 9 de mayo.


Proximo Calendario: 















  • Paseo de clase de Espanol

Evento "Welcome to YES"  















  • SS 8 & USH STAAR 

  • Sciencias 8 & Biologia STAAR 



Gracias por su continuo apoyo.

¡Vive el azul naranja!

Lilian Macías


YES Prep North Central







  • Family Notes

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